Biografia e Critica di VITTORE BARONI
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Nato nel 1956 a Forte dei Marmi, vive e lavora a Viareggio ( Critico musicale e indagatore delle controculture, è da tre decenni uno dei più attivi operatori nel circuito planetario della mail art. Dal 1978 promuove mostre, eventi, pubblicazioni e progetti collettivi sulla Networking Art e le culture di rete che hanno anticipato Internet. Si è occupato assiduamente anche di poesia visiva e sonora, street art e fumetto. E’ tra i fondatori del mensile “Rumore” e del bimestrale “Pulp libri”, con cui regolarmente collabora.
Vittore Baroni
(Forte dei Marmi, 1956) critico musicale e indagatore delle controculture, è dalla fine degli anni ’70 uno dei più noti e attivi operatori del circuito internazionale della mail art. Co-fondatore e redattore del mensile Rumore, ha collaborato a numerose testate musicali e d’arte (Rockerilla, Velvet, Neural, Sonora, Pulp, ArtLab, Juliet, ecc.) e scritto o curato volumi su Residents, Psychic TV, sulla musica elettronica, sulle colonne sonore rock, sulla copy art, sulla mail art e sull’arte psichedelica dei ’60. Laureato in lingue straniere moderne con una tesi sulle tecniche di scrittura di William S. Burroughs, ha scritto sceneggiature per i fumetti di Massimo Giacon e Gianluca Lerici (Prof. Bad Trip). Nel 1979 ha organizzato per la Biblioteca Comunale di Forte dei Marmi l’esposizione di arte postale Satira Politica: Post Scriptum, prima di una lunga serie di progetti collettivi che hanno coinvolto centinaia di autori di tutto il mondo, dal Badge Show del 1980 agli Incongruous Meetings del 1998. Dall’ottobre 1979 pubblica Arte Postale!, rivista di mail art a periodicità e formato irregolare di cui sono usciti oltre 90 numeri, cura inoltre a Viareggio l’archivio E.O.N. (Ethereal Open Network), una delle più vaste raccolte di mail art del pianeta, partecipando ogni anno a decine di esposizioni e progetti postali. Dal 1980 al 1984 registra dischi e cassette “plagiariste” col nome di Lieutenant Murnau. Nel 1982 partecipa alla XII Biennale di Parigi, sezione Suono, con una raccolta di poesie sonore. Partecipa regolarmente a esposizioni di poesia visuale e libri d’artista. Una collezione consistente di suoi lavori è ospitata nel Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry di Miami Beach, in Florida. Dal 1981 al 1987 concepisce e guida con Piermario Ciani le attività del gruppo multimedia internazionale TRAX, che produce riviste, cassette, dischi, esposizioni, performance, ecc. Ancora con Ciani, collabora al Luther Blissett Project e al progetto Stickerman (dando vita allo Stickerman Museum), in coppia fondano inoltre le AAA Edizioni (1996-2006), che pubblicano saggi sull’arte contemporanea e la cultura di rete, libri-oggetto e altre anomalie librarie. Nel 1991 entra a far parte del gruppo musicale Le Forbici di Manitù, con cui pubblica su diverse etichette italiane ed estere otto CD. Nel 2000 ha curato la sezione mail art nell’ambito di un’ampia retrospettiva sulle avanguardie artistiche del XX Secolo, Sentieri Interrotti al Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bassano del Grappa. Dal 2001, assieme a Ciani e altri artisti internazionali, promuove il progetto F.U.N. (Funtastic United Nations), con una serie di mostre, eventi e pubblicazioni di francobolli, cartoline e banconote di nazioni immaginarie. Nel 2004 è tra i fondatori a Viareggio dell’associazione culturale BAU, che cura esposizioni, eventi, performance e la rivista/multiplo ad assemblaggio BAU - Contenitore di Cultura Contemporanea.
1956 - Born on January 17 in Forte dei Marmi (Lucca), Italy.
1963 - With a pair of scissors cuts up his comics to create new stories.
1969 - Enters high school, discovers Edgar A. Poe, rock music, Beat literature and much more.
1970 - Early poems, drawings and writings on music are published on various Italian zines.
1974 - One year at the experimental DAMS University in Bologna (arts and communications).
1975 - Works in the family hotel, starts a series of private happenings and multimedia assemblages.
1963 - With a pair of scissors cuts up his comics to create new stories.
1969 - Enters high school, discovers Edgar A. Poe, rock music, Beat literature and much more.
1970 - Early poems, drawings and writings on music are published on various Italian zines.
1974 - One year at the experimental DAMS University in Bologna (arts and communications).
1975 - Works in the family hotel, starts a series of private happenings and multimedia assemblages.
1977 - Through Guglielmo Achille Cavellini discovers the Mail Art network and becomes heavily addicted, participating every year in dozens of international projects and shows.
1979 - For the Forte dei Marmi Town Library organizes the first in a series of Mail Art exhibitions. In October publishes the first issue of the magazine Arte Postale! (now at # 88).
1980 - Starts releasing “plagiarist” cassettes and records as Lieutenant Murnau. Starts publishing and exhibiting regularly artist’s stamps, visual poems and artist’s books (a substantial collection is now housed in the Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry in Miami Beach, Florida).
1981 - Founds with Piermario Ciani the international multimedia group TRAX, that produces magazines, cassettes, records, t-shirts, shows, etc. (the project ends in 1987).
1982 - Invited to the XIIème Biennale de Paris (audio section). Becomes a staff writer for the rock monthly Rockerilla, writes scripts for comics artists Massimo Giacon and Prof. Bad Trip and starts collaborating with various international art and music magazines.
1984 - Graduates from the University of Pisa, with a thesis on William S. Burroughs.
1988 - Marries Maria Teresa and moves to Viareggio, where the Mail Art archive is reassembled.
1989 - Contributes to the monumental Enciclopedia Rock Anni ’80 by Arcana Editrice, edits for Stampa Alternativa a book on sixties psychedelic art and a book on The Residents.
1990 - Edits for Stampa Alternativa a book on the group Psychic TV by former mail artist G. P. Orridge.
1991 - Joins the musical project Le Forbici di Manitù, publishing a 7” single Let’s Newtwork Together and recording tracks for various compilations on CD and CD-Rom.
1992 - With Claudio Sorge and Alberto Campo founds the monthly rock magazine Rumore, with Piermario Ciani creates The Stickerman Museum devoted to all forms of “adhesive art”.
1993 - His son Giovanni is born on August 16th.
1994 – Resumes work in the family hotel, recordings begin for three albums by Le Forbici di Manitù.
1995 - Edits a series of literary and comics supplements for Rumore, the Italian label Minus Habens/Disturbance releases the CD Quadrivelogue by Le Forbici di Manitù, a second CD appears on Alchemax, Luther Blissett OST.
1979 - For the Forte dei Marmi Town Library organizes the first in a series of Mail Art exhibitions. In October publishes the first issue of the magazine Arte Postale! (now at # 88).
1980 - Starts releasing “plagiarist” cassettes and records as Lieutenant Murnau. Starts publishing and exhibiting regularly artist’s stamps, visual poems and artist’s books (a substantial collection is now housed in the Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry in Miami Beach, Florida).
1981 - Founds with Piermario Ciani the international multimedia group TRAX, that produces magazines, cassettes, records, t-shirts, shows, etc. (the project ends in 1987).
1982 - Invited to the XIIème Biennale de Paris (audio section). Becomes a staff writer for the rock monthly Rockerilla, writes scripts for comics artists Massimo Giacon and Prof. Bad Trip and starts collaborating with various international art and music magazines.
1984 - Graduates from the University of Pisa, with a thesis on William S. Burroughs.
1988 - Marries Maria Teresa and moves to Viareggio, where the Mail Art archive is reassembled.
1989 - Contributes to the monumental Enciclopedia Rock Anni ’80 by Arcana Editrice, edits for Stampa Alternativa a book on sixties psychedelic art and a book on The Residents.
1990 - Edits for Stampa Alternativa a book on the group Psychic TV by former mail artist G. P. Orridge.
1991 - Joins the musical project Le Forbici di Manitù, publishing a 7” single Let’s Newtwork Together and recording tracks for various compilations on CD and CD-Rom.
1992 - With Claudio Sorge and Alberto Campo founds the monthly rock magazine Rumore, with Piermario Ciani creates The Stickerman Museum devoted to all forms of “adhesive art”.
1993 - His son Giovanni is born on August 16th.
1994 – Resumes work in the family hotel, recordings begin for three albums by Le Forbici di Manitù.
1995 - Edits a series of literary and comics supplements for Rumore, the Italian label Minus Habens/Disturbance releases the CD Quadrivelogue by Le Forbici di Manitù, a second CD appears on Alchemax, Luther Blissett OST.
1996 - With Piermario Ciani founds AAA Editions, launched on April 1st with the publication of the book Totò, Peppino e la guerra psichica by Luther Blissett (thirty more books are published in the following years). With Fabio De Luca writes a handbook on electronic music for Apache Editions.
1997 - Writes the Mail Art survey Arte Postale, guida al network della corrispondenza creativa (AAA).
1998 - Coordinates the international networking project IM98: A Year Of Incongruous Meetings.
1999 - Edits for AAA Editions the book Rubber Stamp Art by John Held Jr. Two new CDs by Le Forbici di Manitù are published, Play & Remix Lt. Murnau (Earthly Delights-Soleilmoon) and Appy Polly Loggy (Moloko+). The Stickerman Museum project is presented at the Venice Biennal. With Giona A. Nazzaro writes a handbook on rock movies and soundtracks for Apache Editions.
2000 - Curator of the Mail Art section for a large retrospective exhibition on the artistical avantgardes of the XX century, Sentieri Interrotti at the Museo d'Arte Moderna of Bassano del Grappa. Edits for AAA Editions the book Artistamps by James Warren Felter.
2002 - Appears the CD Infanzia di M (Snowdonia) by Le Forbici di Manitù. The F.U.N. (Funtastic United Nations) project in cooperation with Piermario Ciani is launched with the publication of the multimedia box Mail 4 FUN and the series of exhibitions Philatelic FUN
2003 - Publication ofBank of FUN, a portfolio of artist’s banknotes from imaginary countries, and of a new CD by Le Forbici di Manitù, Terrore nello Spazio (Small Voices). Co-founds the cultural association BAU in Viareggio.
2004 - A 7” picture disc and a double CD by Le Forbici di Manitù, Tagliare (live + remixes) is published by Small Voices. BAU produces the first in a series of yearly assembling magazines.
2005 - Writes and edits the book POSTCARtS-Cartoline d’artista published by Coniglio Editore and AAA.
2006 - A very sad year, with the death of long time friends and art partners Piermario Ciani and Gianluca “Prof. Bad Trip” Lerici.
2007 - The 30h Anniversary in mail art is celebrated with a series of exhibitions and projects (in Viareggio, Berlin, etc.) documented in six issues of Arte Postale! magazine.
E.O.N., Via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, LU Italy
tel. 0584 89445 - e-mail
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